jparkers J.Parkers Checkout

Thank you for your order!

Your order has been received and your order number is 886

You will shortly receive an email acknowledgement which will detail the specifics of your order. Please check this carefully to ensure we have the correct contact and delivery details. You can also refer to your order acknowledgement for details of the products you have ordered and their delivery times. If you are registered for an account, you can also review this information by logging in here.

If you need to get in touch, you can do so here

Create an account for a faster checkout next time

Some useful Information

Keeping you updated:

Our products have varying lead times, information of which can be found on your order acknowledgement. Because of this, we will let you know via email when the items in your order are being picked and packed by our warehouse team and when you can expect delivery. You will also receive email updates from our carriers once we have handed the parcels over to them.

Delivery lead times:

We work closely with our nursery suppliers to make sure the lead times we advertise are as accurate as possible. Due to the live nature of the products we sell, the delivery lead times we advertise are a guideline only. Our priority is to ensure you receive products of the highest quality and so we will only dispatch items once they have met our high-quality standards.

Individual dispatches:

Where you have ordered more than one item, we will always try to dispatch these together so that you receive them at the same time. There will be times however where this isn’t possible due to the seasonality of plants. We will only charge delivery by order and not per dispatch.

Cultural Instructions:

If you need help getting started with your plants or need more information on how to care for them, please visit our cultural instructions.